- 10 Jul 2023
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Supplier setup
- Updated on 10 Jul 2023
- 5 Minutes to read
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In order to use Mystore's purchasing and receiving module, the store must be set up with suppliers and manufacturers.
First - what are supplier and manufacturer?
Manufacturer, also called brand, is the manufacturer of the product. For example, Apple is the manufacturer of the iPhone.
Supplier, also called a retailer, is the company that sells the product to you and your company.
For example, you can buy goods from the manufacturer Apple from the supplier Elkjøp, Power etc.
Suppliers with multiple manufacturers
One supplier may have several manufacturers. For example, from supplier Elkjøp you can buy goods from manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, LG, Bosch, etc.
- Elkjøp (supplier)
- Samsung (manufacturer)
- Apple (manufacturer)
- LG (manufacturer)
Manufacturer with several different suppliers
Often the same manufacturer can be purchased from different suppliers. Take the iPhone, for example, which can be purchased from both Elkjøp and Power, and each supplier may have a different price for the same product.
- Elkjøp (supplier)
- Apple (manufacturer)
- Power (supplier)
- Apple (manufacturer)
Setup in Mystore
In order for goods to be traded via the purchasing module in Mystore, the product must be linked to at least one supplier.
In the overview of suppliers, you can select which manufacturers each supplier sells.
Once you have done this, you can search for all products linked to the different manufacturers in the purchase order for the selected supplier.
Some buy their goods directly from the manufacturer. For example, your company has an agreement with Apple and buys iPhones directly from them.
In this case, you must create Apple as a supplier and as a manufacturer and then link these to each other.
Setup of suppliers
Under "Product catalog" you will see a new selection: "Suppliers".
Here you must create suppliers that are linked to manufacturers/brands.
NB! Suppliers are required to use purchasing/receiving. If you do not have suppliers, you cannot create purchase orders.
If the store has previously used residue management and set up suppliers, this can be reused in the module for purchasing and receiving.
Here you enter relevant information such as "Supplier's name" and choose which manufacturer/brand the supplier should be linked to. The supplier's email address is the email address that will receive the purchase orders.
To ensure that products are ordered from the right supplier, it is important that each manufacturer/brand is linked to only one supplier.
If you have multiple suppliers, select the one you use the most. For the other suppliers, you can override if necessary.
We present this further down the page or you can read more about supplier override further down on this page.
Customers can now order items from manufacturers linked to a supplier, even if these items are not in stock.
These orders will automatically be added to a purchase or reserved on an existing purchase order.
To display information about the status of the product lines, "Show product lines/manufacturer" must be checked.
Here is an example of an order:
Override supplier on product
A manufacturer can only be connected to one supplier. If a manufacturer is connected to multiple suppliers, it is not possible to distinguish where an automatic purchase order should be created.
As many stores want to order the same product/manufacturer from several different suppliers, often due to price or selection, we have made it possible to override supplier selection at product level.
In the example below, we use Samsung to illustrate how this is connected.
← The store is set up for the manufacturer Samsung to be ordered from the supplier "Elkjøp". This applies in 99% of cases.
However, the store has received a better deal on a specific product from an alternative supplier and wants to order only this product from the supplier "Power".
On the product page, the store can choose to override which supplier to order from.

← Error message for multiple suppliers
If a manufacturer is connected to multiple suppliers, a notification will appear on the product card with a list and link to each supplier so that you can easily sort it out.
Overselling with "Advanced inventory management" enabled
With Advanced inventory management installed in your online store, you can decide what should happen when a customer buys a product that is not in stock. Here you can allow or disallow overselling, change status, text, etc. These are called stock groups.
If your company uses "Advanced inventory management" and has manufacturers and products from the same supplier that can and cannot be oversold, it is important that the overselling option on the supplier card is set to "No" so that the inventory groups control which products can and cannot be oversold.
The supplier "Bokselger" sells a book that is to be oversold and another book that is not to be oversold. Two stock groups are then created; one that allows overselling and one that does not allow overselling. In this case, it is important that the supplier, Bokselger, has the setting "Should overselling of products from this supplier be backordered" set to No.
What if all products are to be oversold?
If all manufacturers/products from a supplier are to be oversold, you do not need to include this rule in the inventory group and can therefore set the suppliers' setting to Yes.
What if no products should be oversold?
If none of the manufacturers/products from a supplier are to be oversold, you do not need to include this rule in the stock group and can therefore set the setting for the supplier to No.
Then you must also ensure that none of the products have an inventory group that allows overselling.
The product is oversold even though the stock group does not allow it, what is wrong?
If you find that a product is oversold even though the inventory group says "Do not allow overselling", it is most likely because the supplier is set up to allow overselling. Check the supplier's setup to make sure that residual listing is set to "No".
Overview of products without stock groups
On the front page, you will find an overview of products that are missing stock groups.
Under the "Checklist" tab, you will see the link "xx% of products are associated with a stock group". Click on this to see a list of all products without storage groups.
Assign stock groups
If you have many products that need to be linked to stock groups, it is possible to do so via import or mass change.
Overselling without "Advanced inventory management" enabled
If you do not have "Advanced inventory management" enabled, the layout of the supplier card will determine what is to be oversold.
It will then not be possible to distinguish between overselling per product, only per supplier.
If you wish to oversell products from a supplier, the field "Should overselling of products from this supplier be backordered" be set to "Yes". If you do not want to oversell products from the supplier, set the field to "No".