  • 05 Oct 2023
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Legacy design template ⚠️
This design template no longer receives updates or new features. See our designside for templates that are still supported.

All our premium templates come with configurable settings for a variety of parameters. Among other things, these can be used to upload and link banners to relevant content in the store, change the colors of key elements in the store, choose fonts and adjust the display of products and menus. Below is a review of the most used functionalities available in design settings. 

Under the menu option "Banner images" you have access to all banner positions available for the Tokyo template.
Ad banners are grouped with letters and numbers - each letter denotes a row, and the numbers indicate the order from left to right as they appear on the page.
Advertisement A1 will then be the top ad banner on the front page.

Click on the grey bar to bring up the menu for each banner. Here you can upload images, add links that the individual banner should link to - this can be product pages, category pages or fixed content. It is also possible to add external links if this should be interesting.

Special to Ad A1 is that if you upload is more than one image, these will appear as a carousel on the page where one image is displayed at given intervals.
It is possible to upload up to 5 different images below Advertisement A1
Under Advanced , you can adjust the rate at which ad banners change to new:

Advertisements B1 and B2 will settle just below Ad A1 on the front page. Here it is also possible to add links to product or category pages.
Where it says "Mouseover effect", you can choose for the images to have a zoom effect when hovering over them.
Under Advanced you can choose which position Banner B1 and B2 should have on the front page:

Advertisement C1-C3 is 3 ad banners that will be placed just below Advertisement B1 and B2.
Under Advanced , you can also choose which location these banners should have on the front page:

Advertisement F1-F4 are 4 ad banners that will embed themselves under Ad C1-C3.

Recommended ad banner sizes 

Enable the display of subcategories on the main category page

If you want to enable the display of subcategories on the main category page, please do as follows. 

Go to Configuration > General > Categories and enable the following setting


Header and menu
Top line - it is the very top part of the front side on the left.
Here you can enter promotional arguments such as "Large selection". "Free shipping" and "Fast trade" and the like. You can also select the display of language selector and currency selector
if these functionalities are enabled in the Store. 


menu - here you can adjust the number of columns the menu should display, choose whether "Tags", "News" and "Offers" should be visible options in the main menu.

In general - here are settings for whether you want Docked header - 
that is, the menu is stuck at the top of the page when scrolling down. You can also adjust the width of the shopping cart for those templates that have a full-height shopping cart. 


Here, adjust the information displayed at the bottom of the page

Default bottom line

Contact information is retrieved from the information you add to the Control Panel under "Configuration - General". In Design settings, you can choose what to display in the bottom bar.

Under Social media you enter a link to the social media you want to link to in the bottom line, the choices as of today are Facebook and Instagram.

Use of Widgets

One can add widgets to the bottom bar, which are taken from Design > Boxes in menu bars.
Here you can build up with custom text boxes.

In order to be able to use widgets, "Turn on or off bottom part of the footer" must be set to "OFF".



The design templates have many settings for colors that can be selected in Design Settings - Colors. Feel free to contact us for further information, or we can offer a package for Design template configuration - those who choose this option receive one hour of training in addition to making the adjustments we agree with the customer on. 

Fonts and text sizes

Here you can change the main font of the page by choosing from most of the standard fonts offered by Google fonts. You can also adjust the size and the most used parameters for representing texts on the page.

System texts and headings

Some of the texts on the page are automatically generated by the system, some of which can be overwritten by the customer if desired.

Under Texts on the front page, you can choose a new heading for the available product blocks. Currently, these are Featured Products, New Products and Offer Products. You can also choose to add a separate header for the Instagram widget if it is installed.

We also have settings for texts on the product boxes, here you can choose a separate text for the news and offer bands, or choose whether the offer bands should show a percentage rate instead of text. 

Product page

Inside the product pages you can choose to display extended information and graphic elements: The choices you make here will be shown between the title of the product and the price of the product - in the image above we have chosen to activate the name of the manufacturer. There can also choose to activate a truck icon for freight and Article number.

If you have enabled options for advanced stock display, the quantity in stock will be displayed in conjunction with the truck icon, and if you have product level quantity functionality, the Advanced quantity option can be activated to more easily select the quantity of the product. 

Product box setup

Here you will find settings for adjusting how many product boxes there will display per row on the front page and category pages, divided by the type of device (screen size) customers use when they visit the page. 

You also have a number of choices for how much information you want to include in category-level product boxes, such as price, buy button, and product description. 


If you added more banners under A1 in Banner Images, you can use the options in Banner A1 General. Here are two additional choices:

  1. Previous/Next buttons, these allow customers to scroll between the different banners in the image carousel.
  2. The time each image is displayed, the default is 4 seconds - here you can choose a shorter or longer interval if desired. 


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