Settings in the procurement module
  • 03 Oct 2023
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Settings in the procurement module

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Article summary

The procurement module has a number of settings that make the experience convenient and more user-friendly.

Under "Settings" in the side menu you will find both user settings and global settings.

User settings are unique to each user in the Control Panel while global settings apply to the entire module, no matter what user it is. 

User settings


Select which statuses should be displayed by default on the purchase order overview. Choose from one, several, or all statuses.

Number per page

Select the number of lines to display by default on the purchase order overview.
Choose between 15, 25, 50, 100 and 150. 

Order status completed orders

Thanks to reservations , you can automatically move orders that are waiting for goods and become complete as a result of receipt. This setting allows you to set which order status should be the default for complete orders. Remember, you can override this at every reception.

Show product search at bottom?

Lets you choose whether the product search appears above or below the item lines in a purchase order.

If the option is activated, product search will be at the bottom. If not enabled, product search will add up to the top of the item lines.

Attachment format when sending to supplier

The procurement module supports sending PDF, XLSX and CSV. This setting allows you to define which format should be the default. This can also be changed per dispatch. 

Line item sorting

Lets you choose whether added lines of goods are added to the top or bottom of a purchase order.
The "Newest to Oldest" option will place new product lines at the top of the overview. The option "Oldest to newest" will put the latest product lines at the bottom of the overview.

Global Settings

Order summary in CSV

Shows which orders and quantities of items they are waiting for under each line item in CSV to vendor.

Show price in attachments

If activated, the price of the item will be included in the PDF/CSV sent to the supplier. 

Sender's email address

The e-mail address that appears as the sender on the purchase orders. Can also be overridden per purchase order.

Included shipping in summation

If the setting is set to include shipping cost in the summation of cost, it will affect the total cost and estimated profit.
Shipping cost does not affect total product margin.
Currency on shipping also follows the currency on the purchase, so if you have purchases in EUR, the freight will also be filled in in the EU.

Remember to save!
After you have made changes, you must save these with the button in the upper right corner. 

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