Send purchase order
  • 03 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Send purchase order

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Article summary

Once you feel done with your purchase order, it's time to send it to your supplier.
Here there are slightly different choices and possibilities.

Send the purchase order

If you want to send the purchase to the supplier, such as PDF, XLSX or CSV, it is very easy.
When you're ready, just click on "Send Purchase Order" in the top right corner.

It will open a window so you have the ability to look over and customize:

  • Commentary on procurement
    This comment will be shown to the provider.
  • Sender's email address
    By default, this is set to the email address defined in the settings, but you can customize the sender's email address on each purchase.
  • Choose format
    Should the attachment (the purchase itself) be sent as PDF, XLSX or CSV. You decide this yourself, but maybe your provider has a format they prefer?
    Pssst! The default format can be set in the settings. 
  • Language
    The choice of language affects the subject line and description of the e-mail sent to the supplier. 

A copy of the purchase order will also be sent to yourself.
This is sent to the e-mail address set up in the Configuration > General > E-mail > "E-mail address when dispatched from Administration"

Mark as sent

What if you don't want to send out your purchase, but still register it as sent?

Several suppliers have their own online stores / reseller portals where goods are ordered and to avoid having to submit orders both via Mystore and a possible dealer portal, you can mark a purchase order as sent.
The purchase order will then have a status of "Shipped" with the relevant date without being sent to the supplier's email address. 

Edit a submitted purchase order

To adjust quantities or delete a line item on a shipped purchase order, one must first activate edit mode in the "Actions" menu.

Then you make the changes you want. Autosave ensures that changes are saved along the way. When editing is finished, simply tap on the banner at the top to exit edit mode.

Edit prices:

Even after the purchase has been sent, you can adjust both entry and output prices by putting the purchase in edit mode and adjusting the price in the usual way.
For those who use "Utvidet leverandørstøtte" you can change the currency and exchange rate in the same edit mode.
PS! Changing the exchange rate does not require the use of edit mode.

Adjust quantity:

After the purchase order has been submitted, it is still possible to adjust the quantity.
This is because there may be deviating inventory at the supplier and one should then be able to correct a purchase order.
For example, if the store has ordered 10 pieces of an item that is outgoing and only 5 can be delivered. By adjusting down the quantity on the purchase order, you ensure that the entire order can be received and get the status "Received".

Delete shipped line item:

In the same edit mode, you can delete a line item, e.g. if the supplier could not deliver it. Deletion of product lines means that you can mark the purchase as received even though not all of the ordered goods could be delivered.
It is not possible to delete a line item that has reservations, in which case the reservations must first be released. 

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