Send and accept a quote
  • 05 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Send and accept a quote

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Article summary

Send Quote

When the offer is ready, it can be sent to the end customer.

This is done by clicking on "Send offer" in the upper right corner. If this button is deactivated, a help text will appear when you take the mouse over, this help text will inform about what is missing in order to send the offer.

When you press "Sent offer" a new window opens and here you will be able to see who the offer is sent to (including copy to) and message to customer.
Notice to customer can be edited if desired.

Then click "Submit" and a PDF will be generated and sent to the customer. Confirmation will appear when the offer is submitted.

Choice of sent offer

Accept offers

If the customer accepts the offer, click on "Accept offer" and an order will be created containing the products and prices from the offer.

Empty line of text and titles will not be transferred to order.

After the order has been created, you will get a banner on the offer with a link to open the order. One will also get it as an event on the tab "History".
An offer that has been accepted and transferred cannot be edited again, in which case one must edit the order that was created as a result of the accepted offer.

Actions on sent quote

After an offer has been sent, in addition to "Accept offer", you have a number of options under "Actions"

  • Duplicate offers
  • View PDF
  • Edit quote (sets status to Draft)
  • Decline offer (can be reopened via "Edit offer")


Overview of actions

On each offer you have a menu at the top called "Actions".
Here you will find several additional actions that can be performed. In addition to the actions mentioned above for offers in the "Sent" status, there are also actions for other offer statuses.


  • Accept offers (allows you to accept the offer directly without having to send it to the customer first)
  • Duplicate offers
  • View PDF
  • Delete offer


  • Duplicate offers
  • View PDF
  • Edit quote


  • Duplicate offers
  • View PDF
  • Edit quote

Transferred to order

  • Duplicate offers
  • View PDF


  • Duplicate offers
  • View PDF
  • Edit quote (puts status back to Draft)
  • Decline offer (can be reopened via "Edit offer")

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