Revenue report - accounting for webshop
  • 21 Aug 2024
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Revenue report - accounting for webshop

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Article summary

Custom report

In the side menu on the left, you will find custom reports under Reports > Predefined

From the overview you can:

  1. Edit your report
  2. Set as favorite (appears under "Favorites" in the side menu)
  3. Open report
  4. Build a new report

Edit report

If you want to edit an existing custom report, just click the pencil icon in the dashboard.
Here you can change settings for the report, such as order status, invoice number, etc. in addition to title, description and availability. 

At the bottom of the window you have four choices:

  • Go to view: this option opens the report
  • Refresh view: updates and saves any changes
  • Close Editing: closes the window without saving ends
  • Delete viewdeletes the custom view

If you want a more visual way to make changes, you can open the report (go to view), make changes there, and then create/overwrite the view.

Build report

To build a report, you use a combination of filters, columns, search and grouping.
You build a report either from selecting "Build report" or editing an existing one and then saving it as a new report.
This help article goes over the basics of building a new report from the start. 


Start building by selecting "Build Report" from the side menu (1) or + Build Report from "Custom Reports".


A new report has predefined columns. These can be changed, but to start with we recommend setting up filters so that one for some data to work with. 

Click + Filter to choose what you want to filter on.

Available filters

  • Order number:  Here you can filter by order number, for example from order number 1 to 100. Then you will get the turnover on these orders.
  • Invoice number: Here you can filter by invoice number, this is then invoice number from Mystore's system.
  • Date of purchase: Here you can filter by when the order has been placed by the customer. 
  • Inv: Here you can filter by when the invoice has been created by the system. 
  • Date payment enabled: Filter by date when the order was marked as paid by the payment provider (Klarna, Vipps etc)
  • Customer: Here you can filter by specific customer numbers if you want an overview of individual customers.
  • Customer countries: Here you can filter by specific countries, for example whether you want to sell over purchases made from Sweden.
  • Shipping Method: Here you can filter by specific shipping methods.
  • Order status: Here you can filter by specific order statuses, here "Shipped" and "Returned" are the most used. If you want a turnover from the previous month on the online store, it is important that these are activated as these are orders that have been processed. If you want turnover for data checkout, filter by the order status "POS".
  • Payment method: Here you can filter by certain payment methods, if you filter for Vipps and you have Vipps in the POS and online store, these will be collected. To get this separately, you then need to filter order statuses as well.
  • Group: Want orders only from one or more selected customer groups

Filter layout interface

  1. Example 1 shows the common filter selector that appears if you click + Filter
  2. Example 2 shows the Extended Filter tool. The possibilities are the same, but the interface is enlarged and for some more user-friendly.

Column selection

By pressing Columns, you can choose which columns to display in the report and their location.

Highlight the desired column on the left, under Available columns, and click "Add". If you want to use all of them, you can click "Add all".

You can also double-click the column on the left to select it 🤓

Sorting columns

Click on the column you want to move under "Selected columns". Then use the middle arrow keys to move the column up/down.


Grouping allows you to get an overall overview of, for example, "customer number", then turnover will be displayed per customer number.
You will then get an overview of how much this customer has shopped for in the period you have chosen. 

If you group on, for example, "Country", you will get a turnover that shows how much you have turnover to the different countries in the period you have chosen.

If you have chosen to group the report, you lose the opportunity to change columns.

Available groupings

  • Nobody: No grouping. This will reset grouping if another grouping is selected.
  • By day: Group each day for the selected period. Grouping will then show the number of orders per day, turnover, margin etc.
  • By week: Group each week for the selected period. Grouping will then show the number of orders per week, turnover, margin etc.
  • By month: Group each month for the selected period. Practical if you sort for longer periods, e.g. a whole year.
  • By customer number: Shows the number of orders, turnover, margin etc. per customer in the selection period.
  • By customer group: Shows the number of orders, turnover, margin etc. per customer customer in the selection period. Requires "Avansert forhandlerløsning"
  • By country: Shows number of orders, turnover, margin etc. per country in election period.
Replaces other reports
The grouping selections replace the Monthly Reports, Sales Report Per Month and Sales Report Per Day reports.
Real-time data
The revenue report doesn't have real-time data. To see live sales in the store, you can use salgsoversikten on the front page of the control panel or via the dashboard of the Personalisert Shopping

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