Receiving items and purchase orders
  • 03 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Receiving items and purchase orders

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Article summary

After a purchase order gets its status shipped, it immediately becomes available for receipt. This is recognized by changing the button on the right from "Send purchase order" to "Register receipt" and the purchase order status is  now "Sent". 

Search for purchase orders

The easiest way to find the right purchase order is to search for the PO number in the overview. Here it is also possible to search for supplier and products as well as filter on status: 

Recording receipts

After you have found the right purchase order and opened it, it is ready for registration of receipt.
The registration button on the right is inactive until one or more products are selected.
Once this is done, the button will be activated and you can record the receipt.

Customizing input pricing 

Input pricing can be customized on each purchase order. The change in price will also update the margin display on purchase orders.

Changing the price of a purchase order will not change the price of the actual product card in the control panel, unless you choose to update the purchase price by mottak av varer.

Receive all item lines

If all items were delivered from the supplier and there is no need for correction, you can mark everything by clicking on the top checkbox. This will mark all item lines and automatically fill in the ordered quantity in the "Received" field.
This allows you to receive all goods in practice with just three clicks.  


Receiving parts of a purchase order

Receiving only part of a purchase order is no problem. Just mark the items, or quantity, you have received and click register receipts. The status will now change to "Partially Received".

The items you now received are placed in a separate overview at the bottom of the page so that it is easy to distinguish between what has been received and what remains.

In the example below, we see that on the top overview it shows what is in the residual to receive from the supplier, while on the bottom overview we see the goods that have already been received. 

After receiving the remaining goods, all goods are moved to the list of goods received and the new status of the purchase order is "Received".

Receiving items associated with orders

If an item is ordered from the supplier as a result of overselling, the order will automatically be moved to the desired order status when the item is received and the order is complete. 

  • The end customer places an order for a product that is not in stock
  • The product gets the tag "Purchase order" and automatically adds itself to purchases
  • The purchase order is sent to the vendor
  • The goods are delivered to the warehouse and purchase orders are received
  • The order above is now complete and then moved to optional order status for further processing
Automatic update of orders

Only complete orders are moved to the new order status. I.e. when all the goods on the order are in stock and can be delivered.

Overview after goods receipt

After you have made a goods receipt, you will get a window confirming that the goods receipt is successful, as well as two tabs showing complete orders and updating orders.

You can also print out a report of the reception you just did.
The report contains info about purchase order, vendor, date of receipt and columns product, remainder, quantity received and location of the item. 

Complete orders:

Overview of all orders that were completed as a result of the goods receipt. These orders have been moved to new order status, as mentioned above.

Updated orders:

These are orders that have been updated as a result of the receipt of goods, but which are still missing one or more goods and thus are not complete. 

Reception report

The "Print Report" button allows you to print a report showing all items on the recent receipt.
The report includes information about purchase order, vendor, date, and the following columns:

  • Product
  • Remainder
  • Received
  • Location


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