- 03 Oct 2023
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Move reservations between purchase orders
- Updated on 03 Oct 2023
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Move all reservations
Moving reservations can either be done individually on one order, or bulkwise from a purchase order.
Why move reservations?
Imagine a scenario where you've oversold 100 items that are being purchased to a supplier.
By then, the item has received 100 reservations. But then the supplier notifies them that the goods cannot be delivered on that purchase and they must be moved to a new purchase.
Here's how:
- Open the purchase order you're moving from
- Select line item that has the reservations you want to move
- Under actions, click "Move reservation"
- You will now see a window showing all items/reservations you want to move, how many to move and what available purchases you want to have to move to
- On each line item, mark which purchase the reservations should be moved to. You can choose to mark multiple if the reservations must be distributed across multiple purchase orders.
- Then click "Move reservations"
Not all reservations were moved - why?
To move the reservations, the item(s) must already exist in another purchase.
If that purchase either doesn't have a high enough booked number or there aren't enough reservations available, only as many reservations as are available will be moved.
In the window for moving, behind each line item it will say how many can be moved.
For example, if you want to move 8 reservations and the purchase has 8 available, it will appear as 8/ 8 available.
If, on the other hand, you want to move 8 but the purchase only has 3 available, it will be shown like this: 3/8 available.