Manufacturer and supplier
  • 03 Oct 2023
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Manufacturer and supplier

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Article summary

Manufacturers can be added to the control panel, where you can then link the products to these afterwards.

How to add new manufacturer

To add a new manufacturer, go to the Control Panel of Product Catalog > Manufacturers. 

Then tap New manufacturer. 

Fill in the information you want to add to the manufacturer.

The different fields have different functions:

  • Manufacturer's name
    Shows the customer who manufactured the product
  • Manufacturer's URL
    Allows the customer to visit the manufacturer's website
  • Text describing the manufacturer
    Displayed as information at the top of the page when the customer chooses to view products from a specific manufacturer
  • Meta title
    Appears as the title above the descriptive text. Also appears in the title bar of the browser
  • Meta description
    Allows Google and other search engines to more easily find your pages, by search. Therefore, use words that potential customers can search on in Google or other search engines  to find your products
  • Manufacturer's logo
    Displayed on product pages

What about suppliers?

As you've probably noticed, there's a field for manufacturer-side suppliers. In short, a supplier is the one who supplies the products to the relevant manufacturer.

For example, Mammut may be the manufacturer, where then Mystore Sports Equipment can be your supplier of Mammut.

To add vendors, go to Product catalog > Vendors.

Here you can enter new suppliers by pressing + New supplier

The main thing to enter here will be which manufacturer this supplier supplies. In the picture above, we have linked supplier to the manufacturer Test. 

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