- 03 Oct 2023
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Inventory management with history - intro
- Updated on 03 Oct 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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Inventory history is perfect for those who want full control of your warehouse, who changes the stock status, when it was changed and what was changed.
Inventory history solves the following around inventory management/change
- Saves changes to inventory balance (manual changes and changes to new orders), and makes the history available in the control panel.
- Handles "reserved" orders for changes in inventory balance, such as:
- You have a product that has 2 in stock balance
- An order comes in for the product, the stock balance is reduced to 1, but there are still 2 on the shelf because the order has not been packed and shipped yet.
- If a warehouse employee enters the product in the control panel, sees that there is 2 on the shelf and tries to change the balance from 1 to 2, the system handles this and ensures that the online store balance is still only 1.
- Make inventory changes "Read only", so that all changes must be made from the new tool.
- If you use the Admin Groups app as well, you can also create users who have access to the product page, but not inventory changes.
- Define which order statuses should reserve items.
The extension is free and can be activated directly in your control panel by opening Apps > Settings.
Select which order statuses reserve items
After "Inventory management" is installed in the store, you will get an additional choice in the setup of order statuses (Configuration > Settings > Order Status) called "Order statuses that reserve goods".
Reservation of goods means that there are items that have been deducted from the online store warehouse, but are physically on the shelf in the warehouse yet, because the order has not been processed.
How to adjust inventory balance
This app changes the way one adjusts the inventory balance of the product. Inside the product page, you now have a new option to edit your balance
Clicking Edit takes you to a new page where you can edit the product's inventory balance. If you have stock-controlled variants, these will also appear here.
Inventory history
Tapping Viewhistorics will display a history of changes, as well as which user has adjusted the inventory balance.