Instagram feed in the online store
  • 09 Jan 2025
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Instagram feed in the online store

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Article summary

Mystore allows for the time being integration of Elfsight's Instagram feed.
The advantage of using a feed from a third party like Elfsight is the endless possibilities of design, layout and layout.

Create widget

  • Go to Elfsight sin Instagram widget

  • Click "Create widget for free"

  • Set up the widget according to the instructions at Elfsight

  • When the widget is set up, you will have access to a code snippet, Embed code, which will be used in the integration.

Add to store

How the feed is added varies depending on the design you use. Follow the steps below to install.

America, Europe etc.

Supported templates
  • America

  • Europa

  • Tokyo

Stores that use America can watch the video, or follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Extensions > Your extensions

  2. Find, or search for, Elfsight

  3. Enable the integration

  4. Once the integration is activated, click on the gear.

  5. Then paste the code snippet you got from Elfsight into the image at the beginning of the help article.
    PS! You only need to paste the bottom part of the code snippet, which starts with <div> and ends in </div>

Double Instagram title?

If your store had the previous Instagram integration added, you may still see the old title on the front page.

To remove this, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Configuration > General

  2. Search for “Instagram”

  3. Turn the toggle to “No”

    This will remove the old title. You can add, remove or change title for the new feed directly in Elfsight.

Design Builder

Stores that use the new template system through the design builder will need to add feed in a slightly different way.
This is because you can choose where to place it in the store.

  1. Go to Extensions > Your Extensions

  2. Find, or search for, Elfsight

  3. Enable the integration

After the integration is activated, you need to add the highlighted part of the code snippet in the design builder.

  1. Open the design builder

  2. Add a new "Column" section

  3. In the column, enter the block "Integration"

  4. Open the block and paste the code snippet from Elfsight.

PS! You don't need to paste the code snippet that begins and ends with <script>

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