  • 05 Oct 2023
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Article summary

With iizy, you can integrate with a range of accounting providers.

What can the integration help you with?

IIZY's integration collects orders from your store, including those generated from both checkout sales and the online store. It then imports those orders into their accounting system. You have the option to configure different delivery options for your orders based on your payment method. For example, paid orders may be posted directly, while others may be invoiced.

Which systems can you integrate with?

iizy supports integration with even more systems. Please contact iizy if you do not see your system in the list.

How to generate API key?

For an integration via iizy to work, you need to create an API key in your online store.

Read the API key creation procedure.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
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