Extended supplier support
  • 03 Oct 2023
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Extended supplier support

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Article summary

Extended vendor support provides support for connecting multiple vendors to the same product. Each supplier can have a unique input price, currency and article number.

Supplier overview

The supplier overview can be found in the control panel under Product catalogue > Suppliers.

The overview is unchanged from previously, but it is now supported to define the supplier's currency, which will then be reflected on purchase orders.

You can choose from all the currencies set up in the store (Configuration > Settings > Currency):

Exchange rate

To find the correct exchange rate, you can use Google or other conversion services. It is then important that you convert correctly so that the value becomes real. If you use Google, you must write 1 NOK two *desired course* and not 1 *desired course* two NOK 

Below are two examples:


Product setup

As before, each manufacturer has a main supplier. It is this supplier that is primarily used to order goods. 

New in the expanded supplier support is that you can link multiple suppliers to a product.
This is done via the new "Supplier" tab inside a product. 

Choice of supplier:

Each vendor can have a unique article number, cost (input price) in the supplier's currency and exchange rate.
Cost currency is automatically converted to purchase price in NOK based on the exchange rate of the product.

It is important to define a main supplier on the product.
By default, the supplier associated with the manufacturer is set as the main supplier, but this can be changed per product. 

The main supplier is the supplier where automatic overselling will be placed.
For example, an oversale of the product below will be linked to purchase orders on supplier "Bookseller1" since it is marked as the main supplier. 

  1. Provider name
  2. Vendor article number
    If the supplier has its own article number on the item, it can be entered here.
    The article number will appear on the purchase and in PDF/CSV sent to the supplier.
  3. Cost currency
    The purchase price of the item in the vendor's currency. When you add a supplier for the first time, this is automatically calculated based on the price in NOK and the exchange rate set.
    You can change this yourself by entering a new cost currency.
  4. Exchange rate
    When creating a product, the exchange rate is taken from the global exchange rate in the store.
    This can be changed per product and will remain stored on the product. Changing the global exchange rate will not update the product.
    If the exchange rate of the product differs from the global exchange rate set in the store, it will be indicated by a "synchronization" icon. If you click on this icon, the exchange rate will be synchronized with the global exchange rate:
  5. Purchase price in NOK
    Cost currency converted to NOK based on the exchange rate.
  6. Main supplier
    Choose which supplier will be the main supplier on the product in question.
    The main vendor is the vendor where automatic purchase orders through overselling are created.
  7. Remove provider:
    The product must have at least one supplier at all times. It is not possible to remove the main supplier.

Add vendor:

Clicking on "Add supplier" will bring up a new window to select your supplier.
Here you will see at the top all suppliers that are associated with the selected manufacturer. In addition, you can choose to add suppliers that are not linked to the manufacturer. You do this by finding the desired supplier in the drop-down menu "All suppliers" and selecting the one you want.

Purchase order

When creating a purchase order on a supplier with currency, there will be two things that differ from a regular purchase order:

  1. Exchange rate for the entire purchase
  2. Input price in currency

Exchange rate of the purchase

To the right of the comments field, in the tab "More fields" you have an option to set the exchange rate for the entire purchase. By default, purchasing uses the global exchange rate set in the store.
This can be adjusted as needed. Adjustment of the exchange rate will affect conversion to "Input price NOK" in the purchase, which you can further choose to update the product card with. 

Should you undo a change of exchange rate, you can click the sync button at any time to set the exchange rate back to the global exchange rate.

Input price in currency

On each line of goods, you have the opportunity to adjust the price in the supplier's currency.
Adjustment of the purchase order will not affect the product card unless upon receipt of goods you choose to update the purchase price in currency

Changing the input price in currency will affect the input price in NOK, which in turn will affect margin and profit.


You can add the product to purchase directly from the product page.
Under the tab "Purchasing" you will be given the opportunity to choose the quantity and which supplier it should be added to.

The table above shows which purchases the product already exists in, distributed among all suppliers to which the product is connected.

Manual reservation

By manual reservation, or allocation, from orders you will first see all available purchases the line item can be reserved.
Here, too, all affiliate providers will be displayed: 

If, from the window above, you choose to create a new purchase order, it must first be decided which supplier to create on: 

If the line item is reserved on a supplier with a currency other than the default, "Cost currency" will be used.
If a separate cost currency is not defined, the input price in NOK will be converted to currency. Then use the exchange rate set in the control panel. 

If both "cost currency" and "input price in NOK" are missing, the product will be purchased with a price of 0, -


Goods receipt selection

For goods receipt, you have two new options that are only available if you use "Extended supplier support":

  1. Update the cost price in currency of the product
    If the cost price in currency has changed/adapted on this purchase (see thepoint for "Price in currency" above) and differs from the price stored on the product itself, you can update the product card upon receipt.

    The product card is stored with 10 EUR. On the purchase order itself, the cost price in currency has been changed to 12 EUR. Upon receipt, you can then update so that the new cost price in currency on the product card will be 12 EUR.
  2. Update the exchange rate of the product
    If the purchase order has a different currency than the one stored on the product card, you can update this upon receipt.

    The product has set the exchange rate of EUR at 0.088.
    0.088 is an old rate and the new purchase has received an exchange rate of 0.093.
    Upon receipt, you then have the option to update all the received goods so that they get the new exchange rate.
    When changing the exchange rate, the "Purchase price NOK" will also be updated. 


If you want to see all options on receipt, you will find oversikten her →

Sync provider

When "Extended vendor support" is first activated, a job is started that goes through all products and adds the correct supplier based on the manufacturer and which supplier it has. 

In some cases, you may have made changes to the product, added new products or made other changes that cause the supplier to be missing from the product's supplier tab.
In these cases, you can manually start a synchronization of suppliers, avoiding the manual work of checking each product. 

The synchronization function can be found inside the procurement module:
Settings > Global Settings > Extended Vendor Support

The job then checks which manufacturer is put on a product, then it checks which supplier is set up to handle that manufacturer. 

If the selected vendor has a different currency than the default in setup, the cost price currency will be calculated automatically based on the purchase price in NOK and exchange rate.
Cost price in currency can be changed manually if desired. 

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