Contents x
- Knowledge Base
- Get started
- Orders & Customers
- Product Inventory Manager
- Webshop
- Designbygger
- Installation and setup
- Using the POS solution
- Mystore Datakasse version 4.0
- General information about POS
- Create multiple checkout points
- Vekselkasse
- Start og stopp kassasalg
- Selge varer
- Betalingsmetoder
- Retur, bytte og reklamasjon
- Gavekort og tilgodelapp
- Handling customers in POS
- Barcodes for POS
- Discount function
- Product and inventory management
- Item groups in POS
- Cash points
- Closing a sale
- Resetting the POS
- POS Problem solving
- POS Hardware
- POS Reports
- FAQ - Point of sale
- Payment Options
- Shipping
- Settings for shipping
- Shipping options
- Fast frakt
- Shipping out of country
- Filter on shipping method in order view
- PostNord Home Delivery
- Free shipping on selected categories
- Mystore Home Small
- Tips for setting up shipping methods
- Bring Pose på Døren (Bag on door)
- MyPack Home Small - Pose på døren (Bag on door)
- Pickup in store / warehouse
- Porterbuddy
- Shipping cost based on postal code
- Profrakt
- Mystore Shipping
- Shipping suppliers
- Extensions - Shipping
- Shipping FAQ
- Reports
- Personalized Shopping
- Get started
- Dashboard
- Page builder
- Page builder intro
- How to start building your own page
- Useful tips when starting to build pages
- Page builder: How does height work
- Visibility on different devices
- How to navigate and understand the navigation path
- Horizontal and vertical placement of contentHorizontal and vertical placement of content
- Image size
- Different number of boxes in width
- Changes made in the page builder are not shown in the online store
- How to add a page in Mystore
- Prisplan Start
- Prisplan (Smart)
- Prisplan (Pluss)
- Search
- Pop-up
- Email flow
- What is an email flow?
- What is abandoned cart and how is it set up?
- Email templates and dynamic content
- How to set up flow for sending emails in order management
- How to send out personalized emails via Personalized Shopping
- Send emails to customers who sign up for newsletters
- Verification of domain for sending emails
- Discount codes
- Which services can Personalized Shopping integrate with?
- Marketing
- Google
- Technical setup
- Google Ads - Optimaliserte konverteringer: Enkelt med Mystore
- Google Shopping: Slik legger du til forhåndsbestilling
- Setting up Google Analytics 4
- Setup of Google Analytics 4 in Google Tag Manager
- How to set up Google Search Console
- How to set up Google Merchant Center
- How to set up Google Tag Manager
- How to set up Google Ads conversion tracking
- Identity verification - Google Ads
- Add shipping to your Shopping feed
- Tips and tricks
- FAQ - Google
- Technical setup
- Snapchat
- Tips from the marketing department
- Extensions for marketing
- Google
- Logistics
- Procurement
- Basis
- Pro
- Landing page and overview
- Create new purchase order
- Automatic purchase order (overselling and residual handling)
- Send purchase order
- Reservations and allocations
- Receiving items and purchase orders
- Options when receiving items
- Actions on purchase orders
- Settings in the procurement module
- Tools and functions
- Order management with purchasing module
- Redigere sendt innkjøpsordre
- Pro +
- Stocktaking
- Reports
- Supplier setup
- Procurement
- Apps and extensions
- Control Panel
- Design
- Demo
- Integrations
Export of purchasing overview
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Export procurement overview
Purchase overview export (inkludert i Kontroll) allows you to export the entire selection made on the dashboard.
So you can set up searches and filters and then export the selection to CSV.
The export will then contain all rows in the result and all columns. The export is added to the "Export Archive".
The export can, for example, be used to retrieve the date of supplier, amount, order, etc. within given time periods.
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