Create a custom dashboard
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Create a custom dashboard

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Article summary

The dashboard at the front of the control panel gives you the overview you need in everyday life. The views can easily be personalized to each user or displayed by default to all employees. Here you can read how this is done.

The front of the control panel is an important source of information and being able to customize what information appears here is very useful. This dashboard is made up of widgets where you can enter information about e.g. orders, products and sales overview. 

What are widgets?

Below you can see which widgets (as of 30.09.22) are available to personalize the dashboard.


How to create different dashboard views

On the front page of the control panel, you will find the default view. This contains information orders, products and sales statistics. From the default view, you can easily create your own views. Read through the instructions below to get started creating your own views.

  • Name - give the dashboard a descriptive name, e.g. "Order processing"
  • Description - give the dashboard a description.
  • Access level - choose whether the dashboard should be private or accessible to all users.
  • Choose the dashboard layout - you can choose from several different predetermined templates. 

Now you will have the opportunity to embed a selection of widgets in your dashboard. From here, choose from the widgets mentioned at the top of the article.

Load your widgets and save the view.

How to manage your dashboards

Settings for dashboard view
Here you can easily make changes to e.g. widgets.

Change permission level, default view, name, and descriptions

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