Countdown to free shipping
  • 05 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Countdown to free shipping

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Article summary

Do you want to highlight favorable shipping terms? Then countdown to free shipping is a nice feature to show customers how close to free shipping is when they shop at the online store.

The countdown to free shipping is broken down for three areas: Header (desktop), shopping cart (slide-in cart) and mobile header. You can adjust the colors separately for desktop header and mobile header. Cart abandonment will be similar on both desktop and mobile. The display of the countdown can also be controlled separately. E.g. if you only want to show it in the shopping cart, and have it turned off on desktop header and mobile header.

Countdown to free shipping does not take into account the maximum weight of free shipping, if entered via the shipping method settings.

General Settings

The settings can be found via
Design settings > Advanced settings > General settings

Countdown shipping in header

Turns on countdown display in desktop header

Cart countdown shipping

Turns on countdown in slide-in cart for both desktop and mobile.

Countdown shipping on mobile

Here you can choose to turn off the display of countdown on mobile if desired.

Narrower countdown bar for mobile header

Do you want the countdown bar/link narrower on mobile, more like the desktop version? Then you can enable it here.

Change countdown shipping text

If the set amount for free shipping is NOK 500, the standard text will be "NOK 500 LEFT FOR FREE SHIPPING". You can insert another text if desired. The text will then be "500,- [custom text]".

Change text for achieved free shipping

The default text for achieved free shipping is "Congratulations, you've got free shipping!"

Text size, countdown, cart shipping

This only applies to the text in the slide-in cart . The default size is 12.

Change free shipping amount

Here you need to enter the amount that will generate free shipping, so that the countdown will be correct. It's not automatically picked up from your shipping settings. 


Countdown color, font and background can be adjusted. It is broken down into header, shopping cart and mobile header. The settings can be found via Design settings > Colors > Countdown Free Shipping

Examples of color combinations:

Here, starting color for single or gradual color is not in use. The end color of the countdown bar then determines the color of the countdown bar . This combination gives the following appearance:

If you want a gradient color on the countdown bar, you can add a starting color for easy or gradual color. 



Colored header background (mobile)

If your online store has a colored background on the header, it is now possible to put the same color (if desired) on the countdown, so that you get an overall color of the header and countdown (which overlays the header area on mobile).

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