Blog V3 - setup and use
  • 05 Oct 2023
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Blog V3 - setup and use

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Article summary

In our latest version, we have made the blog even more flexible, and added more options for design/layout to the blog's front page. More choices for text and color are also central in version 3.

Below we go through all the settings and options for blog v3. 

You can find the settings in the design settings via Advanced settings > Blog - settings/ Blog - Text/color

Activate blog v3

You activate blog v3 via Advanced Settings > Blog - Settings > Blog v3
(Set this to On).

Main image visible in article

Main image is the image that will appear on the blog's front page and optionally in the latest blog posts on the online store's front page, if you have enabled the display of recent blog posts. The main image will also be at the top of the article itself, but you can choose not to have it visible in the article itself. If you don't want to show the main image in the article itself, set this setting to Of.


Main image is added to the blog articles via Advanced settings > Upload main image

Use the same format on all your main images to keep your blog posts aligned on the same line. We recommend using images that are 1500px wide, as this is the width of the big post (full-width view). If you choose to turn off big post, the width will be 730px on all posts. 

Full-width view ("big post")

A new feature of blog v3 is "big post". This means that the blog post on the blog's front page will cover the width of the content portion, with the option that the content (title, date, and category) is in the picture, rather than below the image. You can choose whether every three, fifth, seventh or all records should be "big post". Alternatively, you can choose not to use them, if you only want two columns of blog posts all the way.

On mobile, all posts will be full-width, but the difference will be whether the content is on or below the image, depending on the Show content on main image setting (big post only). 

If you turn off content on the main image, the content will be located under the image, like a normal post.

Adjusting content on the "big post" allows you to decide where on the main image you want the content placed. Bottom, top, or middle. It will always be aligned to the left. 

Number of characters in the introduction on blog front page

Here you can adjust how much of the article's text appears on the blog's front page. 

Latest blog posts (on front page)

This one is great to use if you want to showcase the last four blog posts on the front page of your online store, just above the bottom line. 

In order for these to appear you must also enter the widget "latest blog posts" via Design > Main Menu/Content > Boxes in Menu Bars

This is how it will look in the online store:

Options for "latest blog posts"

  • "Read more" button display
  • Number of characters in the introduction (how many characters from the text should appear under the title)
  • Title text size
  • Show only the latest two blog posts on the front page (mobile):
    - This can be nice to use if the latest blog posts on mobile are in full width, and you then get four blog posts vertically. By enabling this setting, you will then only get the last two blog posts on mobile view.

The color of the "Read more" buttons will be similar to the color you have on the buy buttons in the online store.

Other adjustments to text and color

These settings are located under Advanced settings > Blog text/color

Text size title (inside the article)
Default size is 60px

Alignment text on blog front page

(Left, right, or center). Below you will see the text/content centered:

Text color blog front page

Text color "Read more" on blog front page

Text color title/date/category on blog front page

Background color title (main image "big post")

This can be used if you want the background color of "big post" content (title, date, category)

You can adjust the opacity of the background (how transparent it should be) on the setting:

Text color title (main image "big post")

Text size title "Latest blog posts" (front page)


In Blog v3, categories have a new view on the blog's front page. The side menu has been removed, and the tabs are now horizontally at the top of the page. On mobile view, they settle in a drop-down menu.


On the articles, the category(s) is above the article's title. You can click on these to see all posts related to given category.

How to add categories to blog articles?

  1. Find the blog articles in the Control Panel via Design > Main Menu/Content > Blog Articles

  2. Create a new article or access an existing article (click Edit).
  3. Scroll down to Advanced settings and categories. Click Manage categories
  4. Click Add Category:
  5. Enter the name of the category, slug (the category id/name in the URL), optionally select another main category if this is to be a subcategory. If this is a new main category, you don't need to select a category here. Also check the box for visibility:
  6. Click Submit to save the category.
  7. Clique OK:
  8. Click the X to close the dialog box
  9. Check which categories the article should be linked to and click Save categories/tags


Tags can be added and will appear on the blog posts, but currently have no function beyond this. Categories should be used if you want customers to filter on categories and visit category pages on your blog. 


Demo of Blog v3 


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