• 21 Aug 2024
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Article summary

Mystore.no have an open API for both webshop and POS.

What can an API be used for?

API stands for "Application programming interface" and makes it possible for multiple systems to be communicated together. For example, an API can be used for the online store to be connected to an ERP system, accounting system, invoice system, POS solution, warehouse, etc. The possibilities are many. 

Who can create an integration with my webshop / POS

If you are a system developer and have an understanding of what an API is, you can build integrations between systems. If you don't understand what an API is, you can hire a 3.part to build an integration between the systems you want. Examples to companies that specialize in exactly this are E-monkey.no and Connectmyapps.no

Technical documentation

Our current API is continuously developed and is in use by many of our  technical documentation for the API can be found here.

If you have questions about using the API, feel free to contact us at kundeservice@mystore.no and we will put you in dialogue with a developer.

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